No Justice

Biden harrisOne can hardly miss the trials that Joe Biden is putting Donald Trump through, oh yes, we all know that Biden and the Democrats are behind them. I wonder if the Democrats have thought far enough ahead to imagine what will happen to them when they rule the country? You don’t just decide to have justice according to your whims, justice and righteousness go together. you can’t have one without the other. After they have flooded the country with illegals and given them the vote, as Shumer has vowed to do, how will they control them?

“Justice is turned back, and righteousness stands afar off; For truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.” – Isa. 59:14

There will be no justice for them either! Chuck Shumer is an apostate American and he belongs to an apostate church, so there will be no truth coming from him! They have let 100’s of thousands military aged illegals into the country, many from countries on the terrorist watch list, and once they are settled in what is to stop them from acts of terror? This ill-thought-out decision will end just like the so-called pier of aid for Gaza – it will float away and sink, leaving America with another million-dollar debt!

King David asked a question – “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” A major part of the American Church is in a state of apostasy, Paul calls it “the falling away” from the truth. The answer is, the righteous remnant, those who still believe and follow the Word of God, can stand up and speak the truth! Truth from the pulpits, truth in the grocery store, truth at your work, truth at your school board meetings, or Town Board meetings. Jesus said, “I am the truth, the way, and the life” and when we speak the truth, we bring Jesus into the situation. After all, it only took a few Maccabees to run the Greeks out of their country, Israel, and restore righteousness to the country so, we can do it again!

Well, thanks for listening to my complaints and thanks to those of you who will take up the mantel and act for our country.

Pastor Charles Cooley, ret.



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