Time to Return

horse stampedeThere seems to be a dark cloud that has come over the United States like a herd of stampeding horses; from divorce to abortion to homosexuality to transgenderism to dishonesty in government to disfunction in the Church.

I just read about a transgender young boy, permitted to use the girls Lockeroom and bathroom attacked another girl yelling “I’m going to kill you” in front of witnesses. The teachers and the administration did nothing to the transgender boy. This is partly due to the stupid laws passed by Congress protecting this kind of nonsense. Next, I read about the latest ‘sellout’ of the American people by the US House of Representatives as they passed a 95-billion-dollar bill giving corrupt foreign governments $300 Million Goes for Ukraine Border Security but ZERO DOLLARS for Our Own Border Security. Or as our country strains under the ever-rising energy costs of buying energy from foreign governments, Biden Blocks New Alaska Oil and Gas Leases to Save Polar Bears, Caribou.

There seems to be some dark, sinister, force behind all these calamities striking the country all at once! Some, who are in a position to know, believe it is Obama behind the screen guiding the puppet Biden, but I don’t give that much credit to him. I believe it is rather the embodiment of all evil known as Satan, or the devil. How could he have so much influence in such a short time? It is because the one force that could and can resist him, the Church, has been sleeping. As a nation we have been rejecting God, and the Church has been hiding from its responsibility to preach the Word of God and stop giving in to Satan’s attacks! There are lots of reasons why this has happened, money, or the loss of it if they start preaching the Word of God and lose so-called members. Or perhaps they can’t stand against the social pressure that will come. Or perhaps the flocks of sheep have pastors that won’t face the wolves that are hunting them and hide the truth from them! Whatever the reasons, the Church has failed to be the moral compas God intends it to be. We need to remember the promise of Jesus –

“Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” – Luke 10:19

There is a song, sung by some of my Grandchildren that tells us what to do – LORD, I’m Coming Home –

Like the Prodigal son Jesus talked about, we need to return home. God is giving us time, if we will take it. If you want to be a Christian, then you have to follow Christ, and in every part of your life, home, church, work, and politics. You can’t compartmentalize your faith and follow Christ. He wants all of you, or none of you.

As revival fires are beginning to sweep the land, I pray you will make the right choice and join in.

Pastor Charles Cooley, ret.

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